When I was younger I used to hear loud helicopter noise or buzzing in my dream. I remember falling asleep in elementary school after a test for a couple of minutes and the noise was unbearable. I screamed for it to stop and a flash of white light flooded the dream and it stopped. I felt safe and woke up soon after. I think it was my guardian angel or a guide of some sort. That was the only time I've felt that energy type and haven't experienced it since then.
During elementary school I would get this light headed feeling like I'm floating and I would smell a scent only particular to one room. It was right at the door, but I didn't know where it was coming from. It didn't smell like of this world. It's the kind of smell that encompasses your whole being like your whole being is able to smell the perfume. Anyways, my experiences with the paranormal when I was a child scared me. I couldn't see the spirits, but felt them everywhere from chills to just ominous feelings. I am an empath so I pretty much had a hard time growing up. I'm better with age, but being an empath just makes you sensitive to place memories.
As I've gotten older, I've been able to see auras off and on. I would get sick and would see other peoples auras. I also have dreams where I'm performing an exorcism. I usually am able to tell what's a dream and what's an actual experience. It's strange because I remember one time after an exorcism I woke up crying and my hands clench in a weird pose. Anyways, not all my exorcisms were successful and maybe I'll write an entry about specific dreams, but there are quite a few. I do get normal dreams where it's just a bunch of stuff. However as I've aged, I haven't been getting dreams as much where I can recall things. Recently, I had a dream about flooding where my permanent home was since I'm in school and staying at a different city. Anyways, I told my father and he told me it was just a dream. The entire time before that dream I also told my father to buy water in case of emergencies. I was thinking about water a lot. A couple of days later I called my father about school and he told me our basement was flooded a little from the rain. See the specific of my dreams were that a little water got in and I could see the rain outside and the flood waters was hitting the clothes on the the close line. My family hang our clothes to dry in the basement with lines and everything so I guess it was a warning dream. I've never had one before and I don't know if I ever will unless some stuff goes down.
I also do get feelings about events and things. One time I had a bad feeling about my brother going to work. I felt like something terrible was going to happen to him. Moments after he left he called to say he got into a car accident. It was strange. I've had instances where I knew who called on the phone or planned to call someone and have them tell me they were going to call me. I get telepathic communications with those I'm close to.
I've had experiences where spirits would pass through me and you can literally feel the chill as they walk through you. I've also had out of the body experiences. One time I was sleeping on the couch and I was floating above my body. I could hear so many voices around me, two prominent voices teasing me and saying I couldn't see them. I actually was watching my tv out of my body. Another one happen recently when I actually stepped back into my body. I was walking into the darkness and something happen so I guess I was called back to my body. I felt the sensation of stepping into my body again and woke up abruptly. I went back to sleep because stuff like this never freaked me out really.
I'm not saying I can see stuff like literal stuff. I just sense them with my other senses then my mind will paint a picture of what's happening. Sometimes the images that crop up disgusts me since some spirits are disgusting looking, but for the most part nothing really bad happens. I avoid certain places because the energies kick my senses into overdrive and spins me out of control. I am better able to shield myself now. However, I don't plan on placing myself in spiritually dangerous situations.
My family history is that the females in my family have always been sensitive to such things. My mother and aunt told me stories about my grandmother and how she protected us from evil spirits. My mother and aunt both have seen spirits themselves while growing up. My father felt things, but he's skeptical. He believes that if you were good spirits wouldn't want to bother you or they wouldn't be able to. My family are buddhist and ancestral in spirituality. We remember our ancestors and pay homage to them as well as live by buddhist teachings. My personal beliefs are an eclectic mix of all sorts of pagan and world views. I won't list them here because there's so many facets to it.
I've never really freaked out by the supernatural experiences since I know I am protected and that someone or thing is always watching over me. There are only a few times where I've actually felt alarmed but not like fearful of such things even though there were occasions where entities were really angry and I've had an experience where I woke up because something was choking me. I actually felt the hands around my neck and I couldn't breathe so I woke up. I've had succubus or sexual entities try to attack me. Every time I made sure to strengthen my defenses with prayers, religious pictures and symbols, burned sage, etc...That's that because I have so many things I want to talk about if I continue I'll stray.