Over the years I've seen this whole thing concerning all these types of "special" children. While I can't truly say it is an impossibility that there are more spiritually awaken people and many are still dormant, I can say that this whole concoction of "special" children is another form of segregation. It detracts from the spiritual movement in that it will separate people into spiritual hierarchy. This system enforces the idea that because you are one that somehow you have even more of a gift and are even more special. Back when indigo came out, people clamor to see if they belonged to this group. Then crystal and rainbow came out and people start saying things like "oh, I'm an indigo crystal child or adult." It just seems like a bunch of hype and a scam to get people delirious on ideas of grandeur. We all are special in that we can choose to allow spiritual evolution or not. We are all responsible for our actions and it's our duty to cement this world together. If we fail to bring together humanity globally, then it will lead to our demise. A group that is only in the violent chaos will eventually fizzle out. To many times I see people talking about special children to cut the duality and what not. Wake up people! Duality will exist and it is not the duality that is evil or wrong. Humans tend to take things to the extreme. They discard the rest and mold things to fit their idea. They do this so they can function, but also to separate what is real and unreal to them. The thing is that you can't have one without the other. Perhaps this spiritual segregation will help us evolve or not.
Certainly, children all exhibit characteristics of such categories. If you want to say anything in regards to children, but shouldn't you have cherish and nurture your children into adults whole would be able to contribute to the world. To teach children how to function as decent human beings. It's not some great grand step, this should have been done all along. The decline in everything is because people have become accustom to the easy and they're lazy to reflect upon themselves their internal flaws as well as see what is flawed about society and try to come together and fix it. You can't just write off you child as one and then ignore the fact that all children need love and attention to grow into compassionate individuals. A change is coming whether man-driven or supernatural. If you want to change then do, but if not it has always been what it is. It's not something new, people have just given it new words and painted a pretty picture. Who wouldn't want to see themselves as special or that their family is unique and gifted? The thing is that this keeps people from doing work on themselves and allows the ego to keep growing. It's like stroking your own ego and an inflated ego cannot see pass the self for a higher truth. This is a very misleading time where there's so much information and I don't blame people for not being able to filter through. I'm just saying that you should be careful in what others' say and even I won't until I've gather enough information to draw up a temporary conclusion. Remember that this reality is not permanent and moving to a different plane will only be temporary. Spirituality is on a constant stream of change and when it becomes stagnant in one reality, people will know and usurp the old and change into the new. If people don't change then we will destroy ourselves. Earth is brilliantly made so that it ushers in change and brings about issues that draws attention to what is needed for us to change. I listen to nature and my different sources of faith. I know what I should do without labeling myself as such. When you label you hold yourself to a standard and to an idea that might not serve you or others any good. You will tend to hold vehemently to a label even when really, we all are capable humans. Don't let it get to you. Indigo, crystal, rainbow, or not, there is always room for improvement and divinity is within us all.
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