Success as in sucking ass, as in sucker, as in suck up, as in you need to do a whole lot of sucking something to get where you are because success is obtained by starting out from the most lowest of positions. You need to do things you don't want to do and sometimes your principles will be challenged. You will find yourself asking questions like do I need to sell my soul? Do I need to lay down my principles? Why do I have to keep sucking up to people? Well, they are all things that you have to be willing to do on the long road of success. This is not the most important factor.
The most important thing is your drive or will. You must want it so bad that you have no way other then to succeed. Your love for what you do must overcome everything in your life. All of us come with a set of inhibitions, the one that truly breaks free are the ones that make it to the top. Not to sound like some weird motivational book, but I can't stress that in order for you to succeed you must be willing to live it and breathe it. So how do you find motivation? That is entirely up to you. No one can tell you that and no one can give you that. Let us move on to some more of the drawbacks because there are many and I can only hold enough attention for a few.
Some of us believe that we can change the world. While this is not a bad goal it is a lofty one. A very huge burden on someone who isn't stable. The challenge here is not to live in a world of fantasy and set ourselves to attain the unattainable. You can not change the world by outright changing it because why because people are wild cards. They neither follow rhyme nor reason to your goals or what you believe. They have their own free will as you do yours. The only way you can hope to put a dent into the world is to change you. That is right grasshopper you must be like bamboo and bend with the wind only yielding but never breaking. You have to work on self-mastery and that means to overcome your own limits and fears. Once you can change yourself then we can talk about changing the world. Some consolation is that by changing yourself you may have very well change the world. Adopt this principle and share it around who knows maybe this will be the secret to unlocking your doors.
Yeah I started this post thinking I was going to be my sarcastic self. Somewhat off putting some what nonsensical though I end on a higher note that somewhere out there some one will understand and take in what I have said. Knowledge is there for us to take in and see, it is all up to us how we use it. So ends pearl of wisdom #1 in a long series of ramblings about navigating the terrain of life well at least my life that is.
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