Saturday, September 17, 2011

This World, 2012, Fears, New Age

This world is full of whiners, it's full of blamers, finger-pointers, and those unaccustomed to internal reflecting. Until mankind learns to fix their internal realities, the state of this world will never change. You may think it has been overly used and dragged out, but these words are not heeded. It is a shame that all we do is divide and conquer. You cannot change the way we are overnight; however, you certainly cannot change it with the methods of today. They are outdated methods that only separate us. When will your hearts become pools of love instead of hatred? When will you not live behind the masks of righteousness and lose the pretentious material realities that you've created? How will you ever learn the meaning of companionship, kinship, and brotherhood, when all you do is blame, whine, deny, and ignore?
It will be a perilous time and a fearful time for those of you who do not seek to change, to work towards a self that you can use to live in the fast approaching age. I am sadden and almost haunted by what has become of our beautiful planet. Change yourself so that you may see and find tomorrow. You don't need me to tell you this, you need to start acting now instead of losing yourself deeper into the deceptions that you've created to go against that which is inevitably coming. You will merely live in the shadow of yesterdays unless you decide to move forward.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ah the wonders of creamed honey. My lips are highly sensitive to lip balms of any kind even the one that is 100% natural made with other sources of butters. This is due to early issues with cheilitis (inflammation of the lips). After that my lips became intolerant of any sort of lip balms. The only thing that worked for my lips and didn't make it act up was honey. Liquid honey is good when you don't have to take it anywhere. You can only use it at home unless you don't mind traveling with a sticky mess in your purse or bag. The picture above is one of creamed honey. Creamed honey has been left to crystallize and has a creamy texture. It's semi solid at room temperature so if you put it upside down it won't spill out. It smooths and melts once applied to warm skin. This kind of honey is a great way to carry a truly natural product of nature as a lip balm with you without worrying of spillage. Make sure though that it isn't too hot as I believe it would melt if it's too hot. During the fall and winter is a great season to carry this natural lip balm with you. As long as you keep it at room temperature or cooler it will be fine. I use raw organic honey and put it into a small lip container you can get at drugstores or Walmart. I've been using this since forever and just recently decided to post this. Honey will make your lips soft, pink, and beautiful.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Regret and the Lightworker

I've encountered this issue over and over again. My thoughts on it to be fear more than anything. I am in the process of releasing my fears regarding my abilities. I feel as though there's regret because sometimes I feel like I made the wrong decision to help people. Lightworkers decided before incarnation that they will help people and during life may experience amnesia about their purpose. I for one find that over the years it's like I've been regressing. I have been intentionally trying to stall or taking steps backwards because I fear the future and what I might have to do. To call it lazy is not correct and to say that I don't have any trust is also incorrect. I trust that I am headed where I should be even if I am a bit slow getting there though my doubts creep up sometimes because life puts you through many tests. It tests every ounce of your being to see if you can survive. When I think about it the tests come one after another like how life keeps giving you lemons. It's almost like you are in an accelerated class on life and you must go through all this stuff that many would go through in years. Initially I blamed the Creator, asking why I was put here. Then I blamed myself saying things like "I must have sinned greatly for you to put me here." I was in a terrible rut since I was directionless and also fearful. I'm beginning to open up to the idea that I don't always have it together and it's okay to allow some of that pressure go. I know I should trust in the Creator, but the human material side of me forces me to go a different direction. I guess materialism and all this reality pushes us on detours, but we'll eventually get to where we should. As a lightworker, I want to help people so bad, but I am given example after example of why I shouldn't. I think it's to test my faith. As you become more brilliant polar good, evil will naturally follow suit. I guess it's a spiritual gradient. They will go towards one another until one day there's equilibrium. I might be going off topic, but somehow I feel a tinge of regret in knowing that there must be sacrifices made. I don't mind for the most part; however, I still question still if it's right for me. You see being a human if it's not in front of you it's very hard to grasp what you should believe in.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Supernatural experiences

When I was younger I used to hear loud helicopter noise or buzzing in my dream. I remember falling asleep in elementary school after a test for a couple of minutes and the noise was unbearable. I screamed for it to stop and a flash of white light flooded the dream and it stopped. I felt safe and woke up soon after. I think it was my guardian angel or a guide of some sort. That was the only time I've felt that energy type and haven't experienced it since then.
During elementary school I would get this light headed feeling like I'm floating and I would smell a scent only particular to one room. It was right at the door, but I didn't know where it was coming from. It didn't smell like of this world. It's the kind of smell that encompasses your whole being like your whole being is able to smell the perfume. Anyways, my experiences with the paranormal when I was a child scared me. I couldn't see the spirits, but felt them everywhere from chills to just ominous feelings. I am an empath so I pretty much had a hard time growing up. I'm better with age, but being an empath just makes you sensitive to place memories.
As I've gotten older, I've been able to see auras off and on. I would get sick and would see other peoples auras. I also have dreams where I'm performing an exorcism. I usually am able to tell what's a dream and what's an actual experience. It's strange because I remember one time after an exorcism I woke up crying and my hands clench in a weird pose. Anyways, not all my exorcisms were successful and maybe I'll write an entry about specific dreams, but there are quite a few. I do get normal dreams where it's just a bunch of stuff. However as I've aged, I haven't been getting dreams as much where I can recall things. Recently, I had a dream about flooding where my permanent home was since I'm in school and staying at a different city. Anyways, I told my father and he told me it was just a dream. The entire time before that dream I also told my father to buy water in case of emergencies. I was thinking about water a lot. A couple of days later I called my father about school and he told me our basement was flooded a little from the rain. See the specific of my dreams were that a little water got in and I could see the rain outside and the flood waters was hitting the clothes on the the close line. My family hang our clothes to dry in the basement with lines and everything so I guess it was a warning dream. I've never had one before and I don't know if I ever will unless some stuff goes down.
I also do get feelings about events and things. One time I had a bad feeling about my brother going to work. I felt like something terrible was going to happen to him. Moments after he left he called to say he got into a car accident. It was strange. I've had instances where I knew who called on the phone or planned to call someone and have them tell me they were going to call me. I get telepathic communications with those I'm close to.
I've had experiences where spirits would pass through me and you can literally feel the chill as they walk through you. I've also had out of the body experiences. One time I was sleeping on the couch and I was floating above my body. I could hear so many voices around me, two prominent voices teasing me and saying I couldn't see them. I actually was watching my tv out of my body. Another one happen recently when I actually stepped back into my body. I was walking into the darkness and something happen so I guess I was called back to my body. I felt the sensation of stepping into my body again and woke up abruptly. I went back to sleep because stuff like this never freaked me out really.
I'm not saying I can see stuff like literal stuff. I just sense them with my other senses then my mind will paint a picture of what's happening. Sometimes the images that crop up disgusts me since some spirits are disgusting looking, but for the most part nothing really bad happens. I avoid certain places because the energies kick my senses into overdrive and spins me out of control. I am better able to shield myself now. However, I don't plan on placing myself in spiritually dangerous situations.
My family history is that the females in my family have always been sensitive to such things. My mother and aunt told me stories about my grandmother and how she protected us from evil spirits. My mother and aunt both have seen spirits themselves while growing up. My father felt things, but he's skeptical. He believes that if you were good spirits wouldn't want to bother you or they wouldn't be able to. My family are buddhist and ancestral in spirituality. We remember our ancestors and pay homage to them as well as live by buddhist teachings. My personal beliefs are an eclectic mix of all sorts of pagan and world views. I won't list them here because there's so many facets to it.
I've never really freaked out by the supernatural experiences since I know I am protected and that someone or thing is always watching over me. There are only a few times where I've actually felt alarmed but not like fearful of such things even though there were occasions where entities were really angry and I've had an experience where I woke up because something was choking me. I actually felt the hands around my neck and I couldn't breathe so I woke up. I've had succubus or sexual entities try to attack me. Every time I made sure to strengthen my defenses with prayers, religious pictures and symbols, burned sage, etc...That's that because I have so many things I want to talk about if I continue I'll stray.

Crystal, Indigo, and Rainbow Children

Over the years I've seen this whole thing concerning all these types of "special" children. While I can't truly say it is an impossibility that there are more spiritually awaken people and many are still dormant, I can say that this whole concoction of "special" children is another form of segregation. It detracts from the spiritual movement in that it will separate people into spiritual hierarchy. This system enforces the idea that because you are one that somehow you have even more of a gift and are even more special. Back when indigo came out, people clamor to see if they belonged to this group. Then crystal and rainbow came out and people start saying things like "oh, I'm an indigo crystal child or adult." It just seems like a bunch of hype and a scam to get people delirious on ideas of grandeur. We all are special in that we can choose to allow spiritual evolution or not. We are all responsible for our actions and it's our duty to cement this world together. If we fail to bring together humanity globally, then it will lead to our demise. A group that is only in the violent chaos will eventually fizzle out. To many times I see people talking about special children to cut the duality and what not. Wake up people! Duality will exist and it is not the duality that is evil or wrong. Humans tend to take things to the extreme. They discard the rest and mold things to fit their idea. They do this so they can function, but also to separate what is real and unreal to them. The thing is that you can't have one without the other. Perhaps this spiritual segregation will help us evolve or not.
Certainly, children all exhibit characteristics of such categories. If you want to say anything in regards to children, but shouldn't you have cherish and nurture your children into adults whole would be able to contribute to the world. To teach children how to function as decent human beings. It's not some great grand step, this should have been done all along. The decline in everything is because people have become accustom to the easy and they're lazy to reflect upon themselves their internal flaws as well as see what is flawed about society and try to come together and fix it. You can't just write off you child as one and then ignore the fact that all children need love and attention to grow into compassionate individuals. A change is coming whether man-driven or supernatural. If you want to change then do, but if not it has always been what it is. It's not something new, people have just given it new words and painted a pretty picture. Who wouldn't want to see themselves as special or that their family is unique and gifted? The thing is that this keeps people from doing work on themselves and allows the ego to keep growing. It's like stroking your own ego and an inflated ego cannot see pass the self for a higher truth. This is a very misleading time where there's so much information and I don't blame people for not being able to filter through. I'm just saying that you should be careful in what others' say and even I won't until I've gather enough information to draw up a temporary conclusion. Remember that this reality is not permanent and moving to a different plane will only be temporary. Spirituality is on a constant stream of change and when it becomes stagnant in one reality, people will know and usurp the old and change into the new. If people don't change then we will destroy ourselves. Earth is brilliantly made so that it ushers in change and brings about issues that draws attention to what is needed for us to change. I listen to nature and my different sources of faith. I know what I should do without labeling myself as such. When you label you hold yourself to a standard and to an idea that might not serve you or others any good. You will tend to hold vehemently to a label even when really, we all are capable humans. Don't let it get to you. Indigo, crystal, rainbow, or not, there is always room for improvement and divinity is within us all.

Tsubaki Shampoo & Conditioner Head Spa Gold Line

Luxury, natural aroma blends of Marigold, Rose, Cinnamon, Geranium, Mango, Honey, and 15 other natural aromatic essences.

So I tried this gold line a couple days ago. The smell is strong and wonderful. I can't quite place my finger on what it smells like, but it smells better a day after. At first it was just normal and didn't make my hair so shiny like the red line right off hand. After a day, I can really see the soft shine to the hair. Unlike the gold line which is made with camellia amino acid and red line which is made with camellia amino oil, gold line is with camellia oil EX. Since I've only been using it for a little, I will update in a couple of weeks.

Update: Well that was longer than I thought lol I totally forgot to blog about it. Well, using this shampoo does improve hair texture but there can be build up. I would advise to use in rotation and to not use too much conditioner as more conditioner equals more build up. This shampoo is a little pricey but after using drug store brands in America I find that the occasional restoration with this line does wonder for my hair. I have southeast asian hair which is thick, kind of coarse, and my scalp is a bit on the dry side. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Artichoke Tea...Does it work for acne?

Well after watching SecretLifeOfaBioNerd youtube video. I had to try this remedy out. I should have known about this tea since it is a specialty of Đà Lạt, Vietnam. It's called Atisô there and the market is for dried artichoke tea. However as the youtube video suggested you can make your own fresh artichoke tea. After watching, I got in my car in the ween early morning hours and bought some. I made a batch with 1 gallon of water for 1 full artichoke. I boiled for the artichoke in the water until a rolling to which I turn the temperature to low and waited twenty minutes. After that I extracted the artichokes and at them or made them into a dip. I found I prefer just the artichoke as is. I let the tea cool down to room temperature and stored in the refrigerator. For the most part I followed her directions, but I was lenient with it. I don't like my tea hot or even slightly hot, I like it cold or just close to room temperature. After drinking this tea for a week I took a break in-between of drinking just water. I did drink a little bit of water during tea week but more of the tea than water. Then I resumed tea week and repeated this until now. So it has been 1 month of doing this and my skin has improved. I was breaking out hardcore and I'm not one to be like oh I have three small pimples, these were cystic hormonal acne all along my cheeks almost to my temples. You know the place where you put blush all across there. I never wore make up or used harsh cleaning methods. It's because my skin was dry and oily at the same time. I would try to wash it with water morning and night. I left my face pretty much alone so I knew it was the tea that helped. This tea is suppose to improve digestion and tone your liver. The thing with acne is that if you use face wash products or DIY masks and it doesn't seem to help much then more than likely the problem is internal. I'm not a big junk foodie as in I never eat candy or drink sweet drinks even fruit juices. I eat a balance diet and drink just tea and water, but my acne was still there. I'm not saying this tea is a miracle cure. I'm just saying it worked to help me with my break out. Basically, your liver gets rid of toxins and if it's overloaded or "sick" it can cause break outs and same goes with the digestive system. If you can't break down food properly and rid your body of solid waste it just ends up showing on your face. I will continue this tea because while I feel I'm healthy (I'm only 21), I think that any one could use a boost to their system.

Muddy White Bath Salt Yakusen

Can you tell I love this kind of bath salt? Well, anyhoo this one turns the water a milky white and smells citrusy. I like this scent, but my favorite would be the floral ones. It has similar properties to the other bath salts and while I should just post all the japanese bath salts into one, I just don't like a long post.

Bathroman Jasmine Bath Salt

This one has a wonderful jasmine scent that isn't fake or artificial. It's by no means like the actual flower itself, but there's no harshness or strong headiness to its fragrance. It will turn the bath water a highlighter yellow green. It's strange that it makes the water glow-like. It is an okay bath salt, but doesn't compare to the other milkier varieties on the market. It's alright to try this out if you don't want to bust your wallet since usually this kind is cheaper. Anyway that's it for this! Toodles!

Japanese Hinoki Cypress Bath Salt

Another wonderful bath salt. It turns the bath water a milky tan. A thing about milky colored bath water is that you know the soak will be a moisturizing one. The fragrance of this smells like an ancient forest. It makes taking a soak a spiritual experience while de-stressing the grimy world. By far this bath salt is cheapest of all the ones I purchase. I won't post prices as they can vary but it should be over 20 dollars. A can will last you a long time so there's no need to be spending crazily for only a little bit.

Muddy Green Bath Salt Yakusen

This like the blue one made by the same company works in the same manner except the fragrance is a fruity green scent. The water will turn a milky green and works similarly on the body and feet as the blue one. Personally, this one's scent is overpowering for me and gives me a slight headache. I sometimes mix my bath salts to tone down the scent of one or I just don't use as much. Japanese bath salts are not usually overpowering, but it will leave your whole house with a lovely fragrance for hours after the bath. As for what it does to the tub, it doesn't do anything to the tub as far as staining or rings. You still would rinse it out, but it doesn't do anything to white porcelain or acrylic tubs.

Muddy Blue Bath Salt Yakusen

Another bath salt I had to try. This one has hot spring minerals included in it. The water is milky blue and there is a wonderful jasmine fragrance to this. It is not overpowering, but enough to relax you. This bath salt as all japanese bath salts leaves the skin feeling soft and the de-stresses the body. I suggest this for anyone who has had a long day. You can even use this bath salt for a foot soak to take away foot pain and though I know you should use warm to hot water, I use really cold water and the bath salt dissolved just fine. This makes a cooling treat for those hot summer days. Hey we don't stop working even during the hot months so you can still use these without overheating yourself in the tub.

Bathroman Bihada Pink

Ah, the wonders of the japanese bath salts. I love this brand and all the different smells. This bath salt smells feminine and rosy. It left my skin glowy and soft. The color of this bath water will be a milky pink. Give it a try if you want to treat yourself to a luxurious time. This whole can is actually a lot of bath salt for a affordable price.

Tsubaki Shampoo & Conditioner Red Line

Tsubaki Red Line- Flowery fragrance blends of Camellia, Asian Pear, Asian Plum, White Grape, Pomegranate, Golden Peach, and Ginger.

When I first used it, it didn't work well with my southeast asian hair type. I have straight and pass shoulder length hair. while this line smelled wonderful, it made my hair really greasy. I stopped using it, but then gave it another try. So now I've been using it for a couple of months. My hair liked it the second time around. It made my hair soft and silky even in the shower. I found that the smell can last even a couple of days later. I usually wash my hair every other day sometimes I will go a week washing my hair everyday depending on time of year and my hair has been fabulous. I have used this shampoo and conditioner during the summer without problems. Recently, my hair has begun to look limp and greasy again. I think this shampoo can over moisture your hair so every so often I switch to a drug store brand like suave to clean my hair and then back to tsubaki. It has worked out fine. I suggest switching shampoos if your hair gets used to tsubaki. My hair has never been dyed or chemically treated in any way. I don't use extra hair products or use blow dryers. So I'm guessing my hair is pretty much untouched and this line has worked fine for it.