Of thorns and needles
Beauty can grow from thorns and needles.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Lunar Eclipse: Supermoon in Sagittarius on May 25
Well it is coming soon, the lunar eclipse on May 24-25th in Sagittarius. It is an important and extra potent eclipse because the moon is a supermoon. A supermoon is closest to the Earth which means it will appear largest. This moon signifies the higher truth coming out in tiny fragments all across the globe. For a while now, we can tell something was going to happen. Slowly, bits of information about corruption, greed, and all those in-between issues are coming out. The information cannot be blocked because the truth has to come out eventually. There are many articles on this and I won't bore you. I'm just letting you know that this event will take place so prepare yourselves!
lunar eclipse,
Sunday, May 19, 2013
So you are gay or lesbian: now what?
1. You aren't alone. There are many walking with you towards the path of understanding their sexuality. If you feel overwhelmed find someone trusted to talk to. It will be okay.
2. Religion. Don't get to hung up on this. Surely if there was a supreme being he either wouldn't care much about the lives of humans or he would want you to be happy. Religion isn't a sure thing. If your belief is a problem find a new one. There are plenty of more open minded religions.
3. Parents. Your parents will come around and if they don't that is that. They have their opinions, but don't undermine your own happiness to seek their approval. Part of being who you are is having courage to live it despite the naysayers.
4. Find like minded people. There is a whole new world out there for you now. You are a gay or lesbian. There are many people who are so go find some people who know what you are going through. If you don't have the courage go to anonymous forums or chats to talk about your problems.
5. Believe in yourself. I know this is a tough one, but when you really think about it this is really just about you loving the way you love. It is no one's business and all you can do is become resilient enough to withstand those who are ignorant. You can't change the world, but you can change how you react to it.
6. Be aware that there are those who may become violent or may bully you simply because you are different. Don't ever feel that you need to kill yourself or aren't worth it that you shouldn't be alive. You are an amazing person that deserves to be happy. It is hard, but you will get through it. It may not feel like it at the time though you will surprise even yourself at how strong you can be. Be your own superhero!
7. Be smart about it. When embarking on relationships, protect yourself sexually. There are also damaged people out there regardless if they are gay or not so don't go rushing into relationships to prove something to other people. Also, you don't need to fulfill any gay stereotypes if you don't want to. Don't feel like there is a way of being homosexual that you have to live up to. Be you but just be the gay you that is authentic.
With love from one human being to another
Troubleshooting your gay or lesbian teen
Okay, so your teen came out. Your world is upside down and you want to know how you should deal with it. Here are some helpful advice.
1. Leave your misgivings at the door. This is your child and you should love them even if you never imagined them to be homosexual. Reassure them that you love them. This is not about you losing face as a parent but about the courage your child had to tell you something.
2. Learn about it. Read up on stories of other homosexual people coming out. It will give you some perspective. Most of the time we are uncomfortable with things we don't know. There is a fear of the unknown.
3. God and your beliefs. Okay, so let me think about this. You are going to listen to some book tell you how to love your child. For those who believe God condemns gay behavior news flash you don't know what God thinks you aren't God. Don't destroy it because religion dictates so.
4. He or she may be your child but they are their own person. So what if they don't live how you want? It is their life. If you think about how you were as a child, you certainly didn't live up to 100% what your parents want in a kid. As parents your job is to guide them passively not control them. After you die, they must be equipped to live their life.
5. Homosexuality a passing phase. For most, homosexuality is not a phase. They are coming to you because they probably chewed this matter over a million times in their head. Even if it was a phase, as a parent all you can do is support your child while they try to come into their own person.
6. Screw what everyone thinks including society. Yeah, your child may be gay though you are a good parent raising a decent human being who happened to love someone of the same gender. Societal rules were made by the people and should serve the people. Everyone is a free citizen and as long as they don't hurt no one they should be allow to be happy however they see fits.
7. You want to protect them. Your baby is growing up and will eventually leave the nest. They need to know that even when they leave that your nest is still there for them. You never stop being a parent no matter how old your babies get, but you must let them fend for themselves though nothing is stopping you from supporting them at a distance. Protection doesn't necessary mean jumping into their body and directing them where to go.
8. Talk about your own feelings about this matter, but be sensitive. Don't get pushy with your views on whether it is right or wrong because in the end, it is just about love. Communicate with them even if you don't like this choice they are making, be aware that they too have feelings. Don't go charging all up and through because you can't stand it. It ends up hurting them and you.
Open your heart and mind. Nothing is more heart warming then a love between a parent and child. More advice will come in the meanwhile have a look around at some of my other posts. Good luck for you and your homosexual teen!
1. Leave your misgivings at the door. This is your child and you should love them even if you never imagined them to be homosexual. Reassure them that you love them. This is not about you losing face as a parent but about the courage your child had to tell you something.
2. Learn about it. Read up on stories of other homosexual people coming out. It will give you some perspective. Most of the time we are uncomfortable with things we don't know. There is a fear of the unknown.
3. God and your beliefs. Okay, so let me think about this. You are going to listen to some book tell you how to love your child. For those who believe God condemns gay behavior news flash you don't know what God thinks you aren't God. Don't destroy it because religion dictates so.
4. He or she may be your child but they are their own person. So what if they don't live how you want? It is their life. If you think about how you were as a child, you certainly didn't live up to 100% what your parents want in a kid. As parents your job is to guide them passively not control them. After you die, they must be equipped to live their life.
5. Homosexuality a passing phase. For most, homosexuality is not a phase. They are coming to you because they probably chewed this matter over a million times in their head. Even if it was a phase, as a parent all you can do is support your child while they try to come into their own person.
6. Screw what everyone thinks including society. Yeah, your child may be gay though you are a good parent raising a decent human being who happened to love someone of the same gender. Societal rules were made by the people and should serve the people. Everyone is a free citizen and as long as they don't hurt no one they should be allow to be happy however they see fits.
7. You want to protect them. Your baby is growing up and will eventually leave the nest. They need to know that even when they leave that your nest is still there for them. You never stop being a parent no matter how old your babies get, but you must let them fend for themselves though nothing is stopping you from supporting them at a distance. Protection doesn't necessary mean jumping into their body and directing them where to go.
8. Talk about your own feelings about this matter, but be sensitive. Don't get pushy with your views on whether it is right or wrong because in the end, it is just about love. Communicate with them even if you don't like this choice they are making, be aware that they too have feelings. Don't go charging all up and through because you can't stand it. It ends up hurting them and you.
Open your heart and mind. Nothing is more heart warming then a love between a parent and child. More advice will come in the meanwhile have a look around at some of my other posts. Good luck for you and your homosexual teen!
Troubleshooting relationships
You found yourself here. Having relationship problems? Want some helpful insight? Here is a list for you. Something to think about and this is by no means set in stone. After all it is YOUR relationship!
1. Know why you are getting into a relationship? If none of the reasons are because you love the person then get out. Nothing worse then not knowing what you want and no one likes to be dragged around.
2. Work on yourself! Yes, this is for those who go into relationship after relationship. They can't fix you so stop looking for a daddy or mommy or Jesus Christ in them. They ain't your savior!
3. Let them go! For those who care too much. You can not change someone or bring light to their darkness. If they have issues it is nothing personal. You just need to leave when you can.
4. Say no to the toxic relationship. Don't do it. These kinds of relationship are the most easily recognized yet people still stay. Toxic relationship signs: one-sidedness, abuse, control issues, master/servant dynamic, etc...look it up you would be surprise how many of us have one.
5. Trust. Goes a long way. Quit sabotaging your relationships with trust issues. If you feel like this person could walk out on you at any moment save yourself the torture. Spend some time establishing trust with yourself before trying to get with some one.
6. High expectations. Nothing kills a relationship like the overcritical partner. No one likes living under a magnifying glass. They should feel loved by you not crucified.
7. Communication. I hear it all the time. Well I assume he or she is thinking this. It is an assumption not factual. Open your mouth and use your voice. If you have ill feelings about something talk about it with them rather than escaping through someone else aka: cheating. They love you they will listen.
8. Smothering. Come on loosen up! If you love them learn to give them some space. You don't need to be up their rear ends with texting, phoning, emailing, etc...Stop obsessing!
9. Laid your cards out. Let them know what it is you accept in a relationship and what you don't. If you don't know this maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. Also, nothing worse is someone who can't make up their mind about their principles.
10. Commitment. Say it with me commitment. Not an easy thing. If you can't devote yourself to one person don't try it you will fail. Commitments are called so because you have to take it seriously. Break ups are not comedic. They suck so you should be aware before partnering up.
11. Let's be mature about it. If you can't get along stop dragging it out and end things. None of this back and forth game. You either are with them or not. If you feel it isn't worth saving then why are you still with them?
More advice to come. Relationships are what you make them. It is up to you to work it out because you need to trust that you know what is best for you!
1. Know why you are getting into a relationship? If none of the reasons are because you love the person then get out. Nothing worse then not knowing what you want and no one likes to be dragged around.
2. Work on yourself! Yes, this is for those who go into relationship after relationship. They can't fix you so stop looking for a daddy or mommy or Jesus Christ in them. They ain't your savior!
3. Let them go! For those who care too much. You can not change someone or bring light to their darkness. If they have issues it is nothing personal. You just need to leave when you can.
4. Say no to the toxic relationship. Don't do it. These kinds of relationship are the most easily recognized yet people still stay. Toxic relationship signs: one-sidedness, abuse, control issues, master/servant dynamic, etc...look it up you would be surprise how many of us have one.
5. Trust. Goes a long way. Quit sabotaging your relationships with trust issues. If you feel like this person could walk out on you at any moment save yourself the torture. Spend some time establishing trust with yourself before trying to get with some one.
6. High expectations. Nothing kills a relationship like the overcritical partner. No one likes living under a magnifying glass. They should feel loved by you not crucified.
7. Communication. I hear it all the time. Well I assume he or she is thinking this. It is an assumption not factual. Open your mouth and use your voice. If you have ill feelings about something talk about it with them rather than escaping through someone else aka: cheating. They love you they will listen.
8. Smothering. Come on loosen up! If you love them learn to give them some space. You don't need to be up their rear ends with texting, phoning, emailing, etc...Stop obsessing!
9. Laid your cards out. Let them know what it is you accept in a relationship and what you don't. If you don't know this maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. Also, nothing worse is someone who can't make up their mind about their principles.
10. Commitment. Say it with me commitment. Not an easy thing. If you can't devote yourself to one person don't try it you will fail. Commitments are called so because you have to take it seriously. Break ups are not comedic. They suck so you should be aware before partnering up.
11. Let's be mature about it. If you can't get along stop dragging it out and end things. None of this back and forth game. You either are with them or not. If you feel it isn't worth saving then why are you still with them?
More advice to come. Relationships are what you make them. It is up to you to work it out because you need to trust that you know what is best for you!
break up,
more than friends,
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Sinus infection...ways to help
Allergies make me want to rip off my face. I don't have sinus pressure but I have reoccurring sinus infections that leave my nose clogged and ears ringing every time I sneeze. I am a chain sneezer with a raw nose. Anyways, that is not why I'm writing. Here are some of the things I do to combat my sinus infections.
1. I rinse my nose out with salt water. Plain old table salt in a bit of warm water or cold and you just
slowly inhale it through your nose. I mean gently unless you want to drink some of it and have it
burn all the way through. It may sting but it helps to disinfect. Do this a couple of times and make
sure to rinse again with some water so you don't have salt deposits in your nose.
2. Essential oil steam bowl. I just put a couple of drops of peppermint oil into a bowl of above room
temperature water and put a towel over my head close my eyes and inhale. It clears my nose right
up. It may burn you so don't put your face or eyes too close. I use peppermint to put here (shown on
diagram where the pencil is point). Yes right there on the crease. Also find a product called
eagle brand medicated oil and put it there clears you right up.
3. Neti pot there are a lot of information out on this so check it out to find more information. Basically,
nasal pot with saline solution used to flush out the sinus cavity. This will work on congestion and aid
with breathing.
4. Teas! I drink all sorts of herbal mixtures. One I would suggest is Yerba Mate tea. Yerba Mate taste
sweet and grassy. It helps me with my allergies then again I also drink ginger tea as well. Fresh
ginger root is an all around immune booster and acts as an anti-histamine while Yerba Mate fights
inflammation. Both are good for combating allergies brought on my seasonal changes.
5. If all else fails break out the drugs. I never want to resort to medications though when it gets
unbearable one little 24 hour pill gives me allergy relief. I use loratadine. Works like a charm.
6. Use a humidifier. I use a ultrasonic cool mist humidifier to keep my nose from becoming too dry.
Good for raw nasal passages. With my sinus infection not only do I get congestion and runny nose but
also nose bleeds from the dry patches. It is gross I know.
These are some of the things I do to relieve myself of sinus infections associated with allergies. Keep your sinus clean and the symptoms down with these remedies. Good luck!
1. I rinse my nose out with salt water. Plain old table salt in a bit of warm water or cold and you just
slowly inhale it through your nose. I mean gently unless you want to drink some of it and have it
burn all the way through. It may sting but it helps to disinfect. Do this a couple of times and make
sure to rinse again with some water so you don't have salt deposits in your nose.
2. Essential oil steam bowl. I just put a couple of drops of peppermint oil into a bowl of above room
temperature water and put a towel over my head close my eyes and inhale. It clears my nose right
up. It may burn you so don't put your face or eyes too close. I use peppermint to put here (shown on
diagram where the pencil is point). Yes right there on the crease. Also find a product called
eagle brand medicated oil and put it there clears you right up.
3. Neti pot there are a lot of information out on this so check it out to find more information. Basically,
nasal pot with saline solution used to flush out the sinus cavity. This will work on congestion and aid
with breathing.
4. Teas! I drink all sorts of herbal mixtures. One I would suggest is Yerba Mate tea. Yerba Mate taste
sweet and grassy. It helps me with my allergies then again I also drink ginger tea as well. Fresh
ginger root is an all around immune booster and acts as an anti-histamine while Yerba Mate fights
inflammation. Both are good for combating allergies brought on my seasonal changes.
5. If all else fails break out the drugs. I never want to resort to medications though when it gets
unbearable one little 24 hour pill gives me allergy relief. I use loratadine. Works like a charm.
6. Use a humidifier. I use a ultrasonic cool mist humidifier to keep my nose from becoming too dry.
Good for raw nasal passages. With my sinus infection not only do I get congestion and runny nose but
also nose bleeds from the dry patches. It is gross I know.
These are some of the things I do to relieve myself of sinus infections associated with allergies. Keep your sinus clean and the symptoms down with these remedies. Good luck!
Desperation...now I know what it feels like...
I should not joke like this but I think I may know what crack addicts feel like. No I am not a drug addict, but I understand the desperation. For all the tough situations in life I wonder how anyone stays sane? I mean for me my responsibilities aren't that many and I'm struggling. I swear I've never felt the urgency or desperation of wanting to crawl out the hell hole that is my life. This is a scary new feeling. You are probably like I didn't come here to read about your problems. Well, cut me some slack I am having a hard time. I'm just curious when will I have a break through and just grab my future. I guess this is what every person is hoping. They are waiting for a calling to overpower all their limitations. I for one am still hanging in there until my door to come swinging wide open. I am ready. I am so rea--dy!!!!!
Got to love that desperation talking. I am grateful for my life even if it is smelling like a pile of poo in the sun. I mean really I get it life really stinks, but come on does it have to hit you full force all the time. I am quite surprise I am sane enough to be typing this kind of stuff. Well, there are no remedies for a mind in turmoil. Nothing can buy this though money sure will help most if not all our situations. It got me thinking about the lottery again. I'm scare to win and I'm scare to be poor. It is a hilariously painful conflict. I mean what kind of sick joke is this?! One aspect I just exchange one set of problems for another. Why?! I'm going to cap off this writing. Not enough sleep and too much stress. I shouldn't be trying to communicate. Lol.
Got to love that desperation talking. I am grateful for my life even if it is smelling like a pile of poo in the sun. I mean really I get it life really stinks, but come on does it have to hit you full force all the time. I am quite surprise I am sane enough to be typing this kind of stuff. Well, there are no remedies for a mind in turmoil. Nothing can buy this though money sure will help most if not all our situations. It got me thinking about the lottery again. I'm scare to win and I'm scare to be poor. It is a hilariously painful conflict. I mean what kind of sick joke is this?! One aspect I just exchange one set of problems for another. Why?! I'm going to cap off this writing. Not enough sleep and too much stress. I shouldn't be trying to communicate. Lol.
lacking sleep,
toxic relationship
Toxic relationship and the hell it brings....

We all have these people in our lives. They use whatever methods to manipulate us into their sick worlds. First sign of a toxic person is that the relationship is one sided. The only reason they hang around you is because they can take out their life's frustrations on you. Another sign they are toxic to you is that they drag you down like dead weight. They have control issues and do things to make you feel like you can't live without them. On top of that they peg you as their pseudo-savior. As if by talking to you they can find relief from their inner demons.
These people are simply stuck in their own ego trips. When they are done playing victim they are aggressors. This is to perpetuate a sense of control or illusion of power. The major key here is that life happens in ways they don't want it so they do whatever means necessary to keep you from moving on. When you break from their spell there is guilt, pity, anger, and sorrow. Guilt because you feel like you were the cause of all this drama, but you aren't. You pity them because you think you can fix this or that you can damage control. The anger and sorrow comes from the old feelings you had. Chances are you also felt the highs in a toxic relationship and reminiscing about those good times can make any person collapse.
You should move on. The only way you can gain your normal life is to let them go. Let them be who they got to be. Toxic people cannot be changed. You cannot use your love to fix these people. They often come from broken pasts that no amount of time or effort you provide can fix. This is their road to walk alone and that is all there is to it.
bad relationships,
break up,
dead weight,
ego trips,
illusion of control,
one sided,
power struggle,
toxic relationships,
walk away,
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