Thursday, May 23, 2013
Lunar Eclipse: Supermoon in Sagittarius on May 25
Well it is coming soon, the lunar eclipse on May 24-25th in Sagittarius. It is an important and extra potent eclipse because the moon is a supermoon. A supermoon is closest to the Earth which means it will appear largest. This moon signifies the higher truth coming out in tiny fragments all across the globe. For a while now, we can tell something was going to happen. Slowly, bits of information about corruption, greed, and all those in-between issues are coming out. The information cannot be blocked because the truth has to come out eventually. There are many articles on this and I won't bore you. I'm just letting you know that this event will take place so prepare yourselves!
lunar eclipse,
Sunday, May 19, 2013
So you are gay or lesbian: now what?
1. You aren't alone. There are many walking with you towards the path of understanding their sexuality. If you feel overwhelmed find someone trusted to talk to. It will be okay.
2. Religion. Don't get to hung up on this. Surely if there was a supreme being he either wouldn't care much about the lives of humans or he would want you to be happy. Religion isn't a sure thing. If your belief is a problem find a new one. There are plenty of more open minded religions.
3. Parents. Your parents will come around and if they don't that is that. They have their opinions, but don't undermine your own happiness to seek their approval. Part of being who you are is having courage to live it despite the naysayers.
4. Find like minded people. There is a whole new world out there for you now. You are a gay or lesbian. There are many people who are so go find some people who know what you are going through. If you don't have the courage go to anonymous forums or chats to talk about your problems.
5. Believe in yourself. I know this is a tough one, but when you really think about it this is really just about you loving the way you love. It is no one's business and all you can do is become resilient enough to withstand those who are ignorant. You can't change the world, but you can change how you react to it.
6. Be aware that there are those who may become violent or may bully you simply because you are different. Don't ever feel that you need to kill yourself or aren't worth it that you shouldn't be alive. You are an amazing person that deserves to be happy. It is hard, but you will get through it. It may not feel like it at the time though you will surprise even yourself at how strong you can be. Be your own superhero!
7. Be smart about it. When embarking on relationships, protect yourself sexually. There are also damaged people out there regardless if they are gay or not so don't go rushing into relationships to prove something to other people. Also, you don't need to fulfill any gay stereotypes if you don't want to. Don't feel like there is a way of being homosexual that you have to live up to. Be you but just be the gay you that is authentic.
With love from one human being to another
Troubleshooting your gay or lesbian teen
Okay, so your teen came out. Your world is upside down and you want to know how you should deal with it. Here are some helpful advice.
1. Leave your misgivings at the door. This is your child and you should love them even if you never imagined them to be homosexual. Reassure them that you love them. This is not about you losing face as a parent but about the courage your child had to tell you something.
2. Learn about it. Read up on stories of other homosexual people coming out. It will give you some perspective. Most of the time we are uncomfortable with things we don't know. There is a fear of the unknown.
3. God and your beliefs. Okay, so let me think about this. You are going to listen to some book tell you how to love your child. For those who believe God condemns gay behavior news flash you don't know what God thinks you aren't God. Don't destroy it because religion dictates so.
4. He or she may be your child but they are their own person. So what if they don't live how you want? It is their life. If you think about how you were as a child, you certainly didn't live up to 100% what your parents want in a kid. As parents your job is to guide them passively not control them. After you die, they must be equipped to live their life.
5. Homosexuality a passing phase. For most, homosexuality is not a phase. They are coming to you because they probably chewed this matter over a million times in their head. Even if it was a phase, as a parent all you can do is support your child while they try to come into their own person.
6. Screw what everyone thinks including society. Yeah, your child may be gay though you are a good parent raising a decent human being who happened to love someone of the same gender. Societal rules were made by the people and should serve the people. Everyone is a free citizen and as long as they don't hurt no one they should be allow to be happy however they see fits.
7. You want to protect them. Your baby is growing up and will eventually leave the nest. They need to know that even when they leave that your nest is still there for them. You never stop being a parent no matter how old your babies get, but you must let them fend for themselves though nothing is stopping you from supporting them at a distance. Protection doesn't necessary mean jumping into their body and directing them where to go.
8. Talk about your own feelings about this matter, but be sensitive. Don't get pushy with your views on whether it is right or wrong because in the end, it is just about love. Communicate with them even if you don't like this choice they are making, be aware that they too have feelings. Don't go charging all up and through because you can't stand it. It ends up hurting them and you.
Open your heart and mind. Nothing is more heart warming then a love between a parent and child. More advice will come in the meanwhile have a look around at some of my other posts. Good luck for you and your homosexual teen!
1. Leave your misgivings at the door. This is your child and you should love them even if you never imagined them to be homosexual. Reassure them that you love them. This is not about you losing face as a parent but about the courage your child had to tell you something.
2. Learn about it. Read up on stories of other homosexual people coming out. It will give you some perspective. Most of the time we are uncomfortable with things we don't know. There is a fear of the unknown.
3. God and your beliefs. Okay, so let me think about this. You are going to listen to some book tell you how to love your child. For those who believe God condemns gay behavior news flash you don't know what God thinks you aren't God. Don't destroy it because religion dictates so.
4. He or she may be your child but they are their own person. So what if they don't live how you want? It is their life. If you think about how you were as a child, you certainly didn't live up to 100% what your parents want in a kid. As parents your job is to guide them passively not control them. After you die, they must be equipped to live their life.
5. Homosexuality a passing phase. For most, homosexuality is not a phase. They are coming to you because they probably chewed this matter over a million times in their head. Even if it was a phase, as a parent all you can do is support your child while they try to come into their own person.
6. Screw what everyone thinks including society. Yeah, your child may be gay though you are a good parent raising a decent human being who happened to love someone of the same gender. Societal rules were made by the people and should serve the people. Everyone is a free citizen and as long as they don't hurt no one they should be allow to be happy however they see fits.
7. You want to protect them. Your baby is growing up and will eventually leave the nest. They need to know that even when they leave that your nest is still there for them. You never stop being a parent no matter how old your babies get, but you must let them fend for themselves though nothing is stopping you from supporting them at a distance. Protection doesn't necessary mean jumping into their body and directing them where to go.
8. Talk about your own feelings about this matter, but be sensitive. Don't get pushy with your views on whether it is right or wrong because in the end, it is just about love. Communicate with them even if you don't like this choice they are making, be aware that they too have feelings. Don't go charging all up and through because you can't stand it. It ends up hurting them and you.
Open your heart and mind. Nothing is more heart warming then a love between a parent and child. More advice will come in the meanwhile have a look around at some of my other posts. Good luck for you and your homosexual teen!
Troubleshooting relationships
You found yourself here. Having relationship problems? Want some helpful insight? Here is a list for you. Something to think about and this is by no means set in stone. After all it is YOUR relationship!
1. Know why you are getting into a relationship? If none of the reasons are because you love the person then get out. Nothing worse then not knowing what you want and no one likes to be dragged around.
2. Work on yourself! Yes, this is for those who go into relationship after relationship. They can't fix you so stop looking for a daddy or mommy or Jesus Christ in them. They ain't your savior!
3. Let them go! For those who care too much. You can not change someone or bring light to their darkness. If they have issues it is nothing personal. You just need to leave when you can.
4. Say no to the toxic relationship. Don't do it. These kinds of relationship are the most easily recognized yet people still stay. Toxic relationship signs: one-sidedness, abuse, control issues, master/servant dynamic, etc...look it up you would be surprise how many of us have one.
5. Trust. Goes a long way. Quit sabotaging your relationships with trust issues. If you feel like this person could walk out on you at any moment save yourself the torture. Spend some time establishing trust with yourself before trying to get with some one.
6. High expectations. Nothing kills a relationship like the overcritical partner. No one likes living under a magnifying glass. They should feel loved by you not crucified.
7. Communication. I hear it all the time. Well I assume he or she is thinking this. It is an assumption not factual. Open your mouth and use your voice. If you have ill feelings about something talk about it with them rather than escaping through someone else aka: cheating. They love you they will listen.
8. Smothering. Come on loosen up! If you love them learn to give them some space. You don't need to be up their rear ends with texting, phoning, emailing, etc...Stop obsessing!
9. Laid your cards out. Let them know what it is you accept in a relationship and what you don't. If you don't know this maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. Also, nothing worse is someone who can't make up their mind about their principles.
10. Commitment. Say it with me commitment. Not an easy thing. If you can't devote yourself to one person don't try it you will fail. Commitments are called so because you have to take it seriously. Break ups are not comedic. They suck so you should be aware before partnering up.
11. Let's be mature about it. If you can't get along stop dragging it out and end things. None of this back and forth game. You either are with them or not. If you feel it isn't worth saving then why are you still with them?
More advice to come. Relationships are what you make them. It is up to you to work it out because you need to trust that you know what is best for you!
1. Know why you are getting into a relationship? If none of the reasons are because you love the person then get out. Nothing worse then not knowing what you want and no one likes to be dragged around.
2. Work on yourself! Yes, this is for those who go into relationship after relationship. They can't fix you so stop looking for a daddy or mommy or Jesus Christ in them. They ain't your savior!
3. Let them go! For those who care too much. You can not change someone or bring light to their darkness. If they have issues it is nothing personal. You just need to leave when you can.
4. Say no to the toxic relationship. Don't do it. These kinds of relationship are the most easily recognized yet people still stay. Toxic relationship signs: one-sidedness, abuse, control issues, master/servant dynamic, etc...look it up you would be surprise how many of us have one.
5. Trust. Goes a long way. Quit sabotaging your relationships with trust issues. If you feel like this person could walk out on you at any moment save yourself the torture. Spend some time establishing trust with yourself before trying to get with some one.
6. High expectations. Nothing kills a relationship like the overcritical partner. No one likes living under a magnifying glass. They should feel loved by you not crucified.
7. Communication. I hear it all the time. Well I assume he or she is thinking this. It is an assumption not factual. Open your mouth and use your voice. If you have ill feelings about something talk about it with them rather than escaping through someone else aka: cheating. They love you they will listen.
8. Smothering. Come on loosen up! If you love them learn to give them some space. You don't need to be up their rear ends with texting, phoning, emailing, etc...Stop obsessing!
9. Laid your cards out. Let them know what it is you accept in a relationship and what you don't. If you don't know this maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. Also, nothing worse is someone who can't make up their mind about their principles.
10. Commitment. Say it with me commitment. Not an easy thing. If you can't devote yourself to one person don't try it you will fail. Commitments are called so because you have to take it seriously. Break ups are not comedic. They suck so you should be aware before partnering up.
11. Let's be mature about it. If you can't get along stop dragging it out and end things. None of this back and forth game. You either are with them or not. If you feel it isn't worth saving then why are you still with them?
More advice to come. Relationships are what you make them. It is up to you to work it out because you need to trust that you know what is best for you!
break up,
more than friends,
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Sinus infection...ways to help
Allergies make me want to rip off my face. I don't have sinus pressure but I have reoccurring sinus infections that leave my nose clogged and ears ringing every time I sneeze. I am a chain sneezer with a raw nose. Anyways, that is not why I'm writing. Here are some of the things I do to combat my sinus infections.
1. I rinse my nose out with salt water. Plain old table salt in a bit of warm water or cold and you just
slowly inhale it through your nose. I mean gently unless you want to drink some of it and have it
burn all the way through. It may sting but it helps to disinfect. Do this a couple of times and make
sure to rinse again with some water so you don't have salt deposits in your nose.
2. Essential oil steam bowl. I just put a couple of drops of peppermint oil into a bowl of above room
temperature water and put a towel over my head close my eyes and inhale. It clears my nose right
up. It may burn you so don't put your face or eyes too close. I use peppermint to put here (shown on
diagram where the pencil is point). Yes right there on the crease. Also find a product called
eagle brand medicated oil and put it there clears you right up.
3. Neti pot there are a lot of information out on this so check it out to find more information. Basically,
nasal pot with saline solution used to flush out the sinus cavity. This will work on congestion and aid
with breathing.
4. Teas! I drink all sorts of herbal mixtures. One I would suggest is Yerba Mate tea. Yerba Mate taste
sweet and grassy. It helps me with my allergies then again I also drink ginger tea as well. Fresh
ginger root is an all around immune booster and acts as an anti-histamine while Yerba Mate fights
inflammation. Both are good for combating allergies brought on my seasonal changes.
5. If all else fails break out the drugs. I never want to resort to medications though when it gets
unbearable one little 24 hour pill gives me allergy relief. I use loratadine. Works like a charm.
6. Use a humidifier. I use a ultrasonic cool mist humidifier to keep my nose from becoming too dry.
Good for raw nasal passages. With my sinus infection not only do I get congestion and runny nose but
also nose bleeds from the dry patches. It is gross I know.
These are some of the things I do to relieve myself of sinus infections associated with allergies. Keep your sinus clean and the symptoms down with these remedies. Good luck!
1. I rinse my nose out with salt water. Plain old table salt in a bit of warm water or cold and you just
slowly inhale it through your nose. I mean gently unless you want to drink some of it and have it
burn all the way through. It may sting but it helps to disinfect. Do this a couple of times and make
sure to rinse again with some water so you don't have salt deposits in your nose.
2. Essential oil steam bowl. I just put a couple of drops of peppermint oil into a bowl of above room
temperature water and put a towel over my head close my eyes and inhale. It clears my nose right
up. It may burn you so don't put your face or eyes too close. I use peppermint to put here (shown on
diagram where the pencil is point). Yes right there on the crease. Also find a product called
eagle brand medicated oil and put it there clears you right up.
3. Neti pot there are a lot of information out on this so check it out to find more information. Basically,
nasal pot with saline solution used to flush out the sinus cavity. This will work on congestion and aid
with breathing.
4. Teas! I drink all sorts of herbal mixtures. One I would suggest is Yerba Mate tea. Yerba Mate taste
sweet and grassy. It helps me with my allergies then again I also drink ginger tea as well. Fresh
ginger root is an all around immune booster and acts as an anti-histamine while Yerba Mate fights
inflammation. Both are good for combating allergies brought on my seasonal changes.
5. If all else fails break out the drugs. I never want to resort to medications though when it gets
unbearable one little 24 hour pill gives me allergy relief. I use loratadine. Works like a charm.
6. Use a humidifier. I use a ultrasonic cool mist humidifier to keep my nose from becoming too dry.
Good for raw nasal passages. With my sinus infection not only do I get congestion and runny nose but
also nose bleeds from the dry patches. It is gross I know.
These are some of the things I do to relieve myself of sinus infections associated with allergies. Keep your sinus clean and the symptoms down with these remedies. Good luck! I know what it feels like...
I should not joke like this but I think I may know what crack addicts feel like. No I am not a drug addict, but I understand the desperation. For all the tough situations in life I wonder how anyone stays sane? I mean for me my responsibilities aren't that many and I'm struggling. I swear I've never felt the urgency or desperation of wanting to crawl out the hell hole that is my life. This is a scary new feeling. You are probably like I didn't come here to read about your problems. Well, cut me some slack I am having a hard time. I'm just curious when will I have a break through and just grab my future. I guess this is what every person is hoping. They are waiting for a calling to overpower all their limitations. I for one am still hanging in there until my door to come swinging wide open. I am ready. I am so rea--dy!!!!!
Got to love that desperation talking. I am grateful for my life even if it is smelling like a pile of poo in the sun. I mean really I get it life really stinks, but come on does it have to hit you full force all the time. I am quite surprise I am sane enough to be typing this kind of stuff. Well, there are no remedies for a mind in turmoil. Nothing can buy this though money sure will help most if not all our situations. It got me thinking about the lottery again. I'm scare to win and I'm scare to be poor. It is a hilariously painful conflict. I mean what kind of sick joke is this?! One aspect I just exchange one set of problems for another. Why?! I'm going to cap off this writing. Not enough sleep and too much stress. I shouldn't be trying to communicate. Lol.
Got to love that desperation talking. I am grateful for my life even if it is smelling like a pile of poo in the sun. I mean really I get it life really stinks, but come on does it have to hit you full force all the time. I am quite surprise I am sane enough to be typing this kind of stuff. Well, there are no remedies for a mind in turmoil. Nothing can buy this though money sure will help most if not all our situations. It got me thinking about the lottery again. I'm scare to win and I'm scare to be poor. It is a hilariously painful conflict. I mean what kind of sick joke is this?! One aspect I just exchange one set of problems for another. Why?! I'm going to cap off this writing. Not enough sleep and too much stress. I shouldn't be trying to communicate. Lol.
lacking sleep,
toxic relationship
Toxic relationship and the hell it brings....

We all have these people in our lives. They use whatever methods to manipulate us into their sick worlds. First sign of a toxic person is that the relationship is one sided. The only reason they hang around you is because they can take out their life's frustrations on you. Another sign they are toxic to you is that they drag you down like dead weight. They have control issues and do things to make you feel like you can't live without them. On top of that they peg you as their pseudo-savior. As if by talking to you they can find relief from their inner demons.
These people are simply stuck in their own ego trips. When they are done playing victim they are aggressors. This is to perpetuate a sense of control or illusion of power. The major key here is that life happens in ways they don't want it so they do whatever means necessary to keep you from moving on. When you break from their spell there is guilt, pity, anger, and sorrow. Guilt because you feel like you were the cause of all this drama, but you aren't. You pity them because you think you can fix this or that you can damage control. The anger and sorrow comes from the old feelings you had. Chances are you also felt the highs in a toxic relationship and reminiscing about those good times can make any person collapse.
You should move on. The only way you can gain your normal life is to let them go. Let them be who they got to be. Toxic people cannot be changed. You cannot use your love to fix these people. They often come from broken pasts that no amount of time or effort you provide can fix. This is their road to walk alone and that is all there is to it.
bad relationships,
break up,
dead weight,
ego trips,
illusion of control,
one sided,
power struggle,
toxic relationships,
walk away,
Friday, May 17, 2013
Talk about it! Rant at
Have a problem? Talk about it! Rant free at I sound so promotional, but I'm passing this along for those who are in need and have no one to talk to or they lack confidence to talk face to face with someone. Basically, it is a chat for people who pair up with random anonymous listeners. If you happen to want to help people you can also become a listener. I for one am a listener most of the time, but it does some good to vent. Depression and the likes are no good so go out there because someone does care about you! You are worth it!
emotional problems,
life problems,
Acne: my approach
Red text for red inflammation Joking aside, having acne in all of its incarnations suck. From the minor bumps here or there to the full on cystic painful pustules. Yeah, I'm not going to show a picture of what my acne looks like because it can be the occasional to the long months of hormonal acne. In this post, I'll be sharing with you what I do to help my skin calm down because there are no quick fixes for these angry buggers. In the end though this is a cosmetic thing. I know for someone who is covered in acne to say it is merely cosmetic is a bit insensitive, but the truth is it has to do with you. It seems like a cop out to tell someone to be confident in their appearance when they obviously have something on their skin. You are still you and fabulous might I add. Others who are worth it will see you for you. Alrighty, pep talk over on to the stuff.
1.Moods-Improving your stress is one way to combat acne. In general, it is good to find peace of mind. Go meditate, listen to calming music, a good soak in the tub, spa days, hobbies, etc...These all work to improve overall mood.
2.Exercise-Oh the dreaded work out. Exercise can be your friend. It pumps your body up and at the same time improves mood, health, and detoxify. All good benefits for clearing skin.
3.Natural facial treatments-I try to stay on the natural route. Some of the ways to treat acne can be as natural as the foods in your fridge. Fruits and vegetables are not only good for the body but on the skin as well. There are various recipes online of natural facial masks that taste good and feel great on your skin. Also, steaming with essential oils or adding essential oils to facial products can aid in clearing skin. Do away with unnatural products as most of the time they treat the surface only. For those suffering from internal problems, adding toxic chemicals on your face only worsens the acne.
4.Hormonal checkups-This is more relevant to the ladies, but some guys have this problem . Doesn't hurt to check up with a professional on what is really going on. If it is a hormonal acne then there are treatments that can improve skin quality. For those tight on cash there are herbal remedies for acne. If you don't have a green thumb or just don't want the hassle you can try herbal blends already on the market. Much more gentle on your body and can be longer lasting.
5.Sleep-Yeah all that time your mom and dad been hounding you about sleep they are right. Sleep can do wanders for the skin. Not resting your body basically stresses you out physically. It can show on your skin so rest up.
6.Water-Stay hydrated. Water can cleanse your body if you drink it enough. There also is this thing on water only fast to cleanse your skin. Now it is not a permanent solution though you can have clear skin in a week or so of doing it. In the end, if you do it long enough you can reprogram your body to health food. Now for those with unhealthy cravings this can be a good thing.
7.Foods-Some people may have a sensitivity to various foods that aggravate their skin. I mean for me milk was a problem and so was white flour. I also find that if I eat things high in salt or sugar and high caffeine I break out more. When I eat more fruits and vegetables I feel better. It goes with out saying that what you put into your body is very important. Try organic wholesome foods for clearing up acne. Maybe a raw food diet is in order.
8.Products-I use the Mario Badescu's drying lotion for overnight treatment of pimples. You know the ones already there. It keeps me from picking my face and so helps the ugly things go away sooner. I also use various teas such as the triple leaf detox and sugar balance teas. Other teas I find useful are chamomile, linden blossom, and artichoke tea. One at a time don't go drinking all of this at once.
1.Moods-Improving your stress is one way to combat acne. In general, it is good to find peace of mind. Go meditate, listen to calming music, a good soak in the tub, spa days, hobbies, etc...These all work to improve overall mood.
2.Exercise-Oh the dreaded work out. Exercise can be your friend. It pumps your body up and at the same time improves mood, health, and detoxify. All good benefits for clearing skin.
3.Natural facial treatments-I try to stay on the natural route. Some of the ways to treat acne can be as natural as the foods in your fridge. Fruits and vegetables are not only good for the body but on the skin as well. There are various recipes online of natural facial masks that taste good and feel great on your skin. Also, steaming with essential oils or adding essential oils to facial products can aid in clearing skin. Do away with unnatural products as most of the time they treat the surface only. For those suffering from internal problems, adding toxic chemicals on your face only worsens the acne.
4.Hormonal checkups-This is more relevant to the ladies, but some guys have this problem . Doesn't hurt to check up with a professional on what is really going on. If it is a hormonal acne then there are treatments that can improve skin quality. For those tight on cash there are herbal remedies for acne. If you don't have a green thumb or just don't want the hassle you can try herbal blends already on the market. Much more gentle on your body and can be longer lasting.
5.Sleep-Yeah all that time your mom and dad been hounding you about sleep they are right. Sleep can do wanders for the skin. Not resting your body basically stresses you out physically. It can show on your skin so rest up.
6.Water-Stay hydrated. Water can cleanse your body if you drink it enough. There also is this thing on water only fast to cleanse your skin. Now it is not a permanent solution though you can have clear skin in a week or so of doing it. In the end, if you do it long enough you can reprogram your body to health food. Now for those with unhealthy cravings this can be a good thing.
7.Foods-Some people may have a sensitivity to various foods that aggravate their skin. I mean for me milk was a problem and so was white flour. I also find that if I eat things high in salt or sugar and high caffeine I break out more. When I eat more fruits and vegetables I feel better. It goes with out saying that what you put into your body is very important. Try organic wholesome foods for clearing up acne. Maybe a raw food diet is in order.
8.Products-I use the Mario Badescu's drying lotion for overnight treatment of pimples. You know the ones already there. It keeps me from picking my face and so helps the ugly things go away sooner. I also use various teas such as the triple leaf detox and sugar balance teas. Other teas I find useful are chamomile, linden blossom, and artichoke tea. One at a time don't go drinking all of this at once.
adult acne,
cystic acne,
low self esteem,
raw foodist,
raw foods,
Triple leaf detox and sugar balance teas review plus it helps with acne
I guess it is about time for me to review this product. How I came across this product was on a whim. I am glad that I did. I've been drinking this for a long time maybe like three years. I don't drink this daily just once in a while. Occasionally, I do drink for a couple weeks straight. I start out drinking two tea bags in a regular mug. It is concentrated but I do this about twice a day for one to two weeks then I switch to one tea bag daily for another two weeks. I also drink this when I know that I have been overeating or when I scoff down sweets. At first I was drinking this for the benefit of a gentle detox though let us get the main points down.
Taste-The taste is herbal. It is acquired though nothing unbearable. It has a slight minty, sweet, and grassy taste. There is a slight and I mean slight after taste. To improve I advise some honey though I just drink it straight up. Definitely more palatable when you drink it warm.
Side effects-I noticed that if I were to drink one tea bag daily it was fine but if I drink for a period of time two to three tea bags it does make me go to the bathroom more (mild laxative). I mean it is not a problem, but you should take a break and not drink unless you need to it is after all a mild detoxifier. High fiber diet plus this = very clean colon.
Benefits- Clear skin! Yep, I noticed that my face cleared up after drinking this for a couple of months I say I feel the benefits (energy and hydration) the first weeks, but the long lasting benefit of drinking it is clear skin. I kind of cheat a little by drinking it after I know I had too many sweets or junk food. It just helps me recalibrate myself.
Other things to consider: I drink this with the triple leaf blood pressure tea. You don't have to get the benefits of clear skin but used in conjunction it is pretty good. I guess I might as well review this as well.
Taste-The taste is strong and can be off putting. It is bearable, but it is stronger tasting than the triple leaf detox tea. It has a more anise flavoring to it. I mean it has a sweetness though the herbal medicine taste is strong. I think those who grew up with alternative medicine know what I'm talking about. This should not be taken with meals because the taste is so off putting. Do not drink on an empty stomach or drink a huge amount at once it will make you feel sick.
Side effects-For me I didn't have a problem with it.
Benefits-It helped me with balancing my sugar. I don't have a problem with my sugar though this tea helps me from feeling bad after I eat something unhealthy. I would like to believe it negates some of the ills after chowing down on some junk food. Though I've noticed this to help with hormonal acne associated with menstruation.
The results differ from people to people and I am not endorse for my review on this product. I too struggle with acne and have been trying to find a healthy way to help my skin clear up. Stay tune with me on my acne clearing journey.
Taste-The taste is herbal. It is acquired though nothing unbearable. It has a slight minty, sweet, and grassy taste. There is a slight and I mean slight after taste. To improve I advise some honey though I just drink it straight up. Definitely more palatable when you drink it warm.
Side effects-I noticed that if I were to drink one tea bag daily it was fine but if I drink for a period of time two to three tea bags it does make me go to the bathroom more (mild laxative). I mean it is not a problem, but you should take a break and not drink unless you need to it is after all a mild detoxifier. High fiber diet plus this = very clean colon.
Benefits- Clear skin! Yep, I noticed that my face cleared up after drinking this for a couple of months I say I feel the benefits (energy and hydration) the first weeks, but the long lasting benefit of drinking it is clear skin. I kind of cheat a little by drinking it after I know I had too many sweets or junk food. It just helps me recalibrate myself.
Other things to consider: I drink this with the triple leaf blood pressure tea. You don't have to get the benefits of clear skin but used in conjunction it is pretty good. I guess I might as well review this as well.
Taste-The taste is strong and can be off putting. It is bearable, but it is stronger tasting than the triple leaf detox tea. It has a more anise flavoring to it. I mean it has a sweetness though the herbal medicine taste is strong. I think those who grew up with alternative medicine know what I'm talking about. This should not be taken with meals because the taste is so off putting. Do not drink on an empty stomach or drink a huge amount at once it will make you feel sick.
Side effects-For me I didn't have a problem with it.
Benefits-It helped me with balancing my sugar. I don't have a problem with my sugar though this tea helps me from feeling bad after I eat something unhealthy. I would like to believe it negates some of the ills after chowing down on some junk food. Though I've noticed this to help with hormonal acne associated with menstruation.
The results differ from people to people and I am not endorse for my review on this product. I too struggle with acne and have been trying to find a healthy way to help my skin clear up. Stay tune with me on my acne clearing journey.
How do you let someone you love fall? regret and the lightworker #2
One of the more difficult times in life usually involves a love one. All this talk of ascension and our spiritual journey there are only a few articles out there that I have seen on this particular problem. Okay, so we are busy on our path and trying to busy ourselves. Then a major road block, our loved ones are not doing the same. They are doing quite the opposite. They are caught up in personal fears that we cannot help with. For example, my mother has a fear of change and losing control. For her, it is better to try and maintain the illusion of control rather than letting go. The trouble is when we identify a life lesson we need to learn and we do not take it what ends up happening is that it cycles in again. It cycles in with more to lose. It will do it until we get a rude awakening that we need to change.
Of course, this change doesn't happen overnight! Hardly. Now moving back to the original topic. What if our loved ones were in an accident and we knew ahead of time we would try to save them right? See the thing with spirituality is that it is up to the individual person. We can see they are headed for the road of destruction in one sense by not learning what they need to learn, but that is just it. We have no say in their faith. It is not our battle and we must let people live how they want to live. For some this type of thinking is hard for the lightworker. I tell you this now that it is not your job anymore to help those kinds of people. After 2012, we have passed a mark in time that we should no longer hand hold people to their destination. As much as we would want to our calling during this time is different. We can't operate on the fear of losing them or the fear that we are not doing our responsibility. No one's awakening is our business. The information is out there for them to seek it. All you can do now is focus on you!
There is a fine line between love and dependence. The wire is very thin for us to walk across. To emulate the love that is divine love. We need all kinds of strength often brought by hard knocks in life. Divine love as we know is without condition though it protects it also knows to let be. We must let be and take things for what it is. Everywhere around the world still you see this duality play out. There are individual struggles to break the duality and accept the two sides of one coin. Letting someone you love fall is that wire that we as lightworkers must gracefully walk across. That scale of sacrifice and selfishness. To some I have typed a whole lot of nothing and to others I may have helped as they are going through it at this time. Do not be alarm and trust yourself that this will pass. If you were looking for an easy answer well there are no easy answers here. You got to let them fall and hope they will fly.
Win it big or at least thinking about it
Wouldn't it be nice to walk away with a couple millions from the lottery? Yeah, it would be nice. Talking to the cashier at my local Turkey Hill brought up some points about the lottery. I posted a while back asking how much someone is willing to pay for hope. For one such person, hope was five hundred dollars in lottery tickets. Yes at two dollars a pop well you can do the math. That is a lot of money when you are unemployed to be spending on hope. I guess times are hard and people are desperate. In that same line of thinking, psychics work in the same way. Giving people some form of consolation. We live in a world where there is a lot of fears. Fear of the unknown, of death, of isolation, of never finding happiness, and because of this fear don't mind spending a few dollars just to ease our mind. It preys on our vulnerability. We want to know the what-ifs in life. I don't need to remind you to not get carry away though because the feeling will come back. When you get your hopes up and have it come down only to repeat a cycle again ask yourself instead of fantasizing a quick escape (it's hard I know!) how about finding ways to better your life?
piggy bank,
secret of attraction,
Memo to self you will never be a thin asian....
On one hand I am watching how to make all these sweets on youtube and on the other hand I'm looking at thinspo pictures. What is wrong with this picture? Not that I want to be thin I was merely curious with these pictures (mostly of young women looking skeletal). I guess this is the dilemma that some women face. One part you love food and love to eat it then on the other hand the guilt of not attaining what is deemed beautiful. The the real problem is self dissatisfaction. It really stems from the group mentality with majority having a large influence in how we look and act even if it is detrimental to us.
My background on this is not too positive. When I was growing up, I had gone through periods of really low self worth. I was always told that I wasn't thin enough. I equate that with not being good enough. Children are really vulnerable to these kinds of things. They don't have the capacity to tell you how frustrating it is so they seek for approval even if it hurts them. I was always looking for approval in the wrong places. I never developed an eating disorder but I definitely had disordered eating with food. I think there are other people out there that can say the same. Why should I feel so bad having that cake or eating that ice cream?
I'm by no means an unhealthy eater but I am no raw food saint!
Looking back I'm asking why is it so appealing to be thin. None of us live the model life so why do we got to parade around being extra thin. Nowadays, thinness is equated with success. Perhaps we can get a little piece of success by portraying these celebrities or models. If you were to dig a little deeper though you will find out that the people who appear the most glamorous are only fabrications. No one looks like that all the time and you shouldn't try to. Life is indeed too short to be killing yourself to look a certain way. Why go through all the trouble just to still be uncomfortable and dissatisfied?
In the end, I am left with more questions than answer. For myself, I feel like I have found my way for the most part. I mean no longer am I seeking to be approved by others and I don't feel guilt for living my life. It is interesting to say that the illusion of success or beauty is strong still. It is an ongoing battle of wills. One hand you want to fit in the other hand you want to be yourself. I say be yourself. You got to feel good about yourself and from there you can project outwards the joy of true satisfaction. Being happy with who you are and where you are in life. Easier said though not impossible. So have your cake and eat it just don't eat too much. Love yourself because you only have one you.
My background on this is not too positive. When I was growing up, I had gone through periods of really low self worth. I was always told that I wasn't thin enough. I equate that with not being good enough. Children are really vulnerable to these kinds of things. They don't have the capacity to tell you how frustrating it is so they seek for approval even if it hurts them. I was always looking for approval in the wrong places. I never developed an eating disorder but I definitely had disordered eating with food. I think there are other people out there that can say the same. Why should I feel so bad having that cake or eating that ice cream?
I'm by no means an unhealthy eater but I am no raw food saint!
Looking back I'm asking why is it so appealing to be thin. None of us live the model life so why do we got to parade around being extra thin. Nowadays, thinness is equated with success. Perhaps we can get a little piece of success by portraying these celebrities or models. If you were to dig a little deeper though you will find out that the people who appear the most glamorous are only fabrications. No one looks like that all the time and you shouldn't try to. Life is indeed too short to be killing yourself to look a certain way. Why go through all the trouble just to still be uncomfortable and dissatisfied?
In the end, I am left with more questions than answer. For myself, I feel like I have found my way for the most part. I mean no longer am I seeking to be approved by others and I don't feel guilt for living my life. It is interesting to say that the illusion of success or beauty is strong still. It is an ongoing battle of wills. One hand you want to fit in the other hand you want to be yourself. I say be yourself. You got to feel good about yourself and from there you can project outwards the joy of true satisfaction. Being happy with who you are and where you are in life. Easier said though not impossible. So have your cake and eat it just don't eat too much. Love yourself because you only have one you.
“You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.”
- Henry DrummondThursday, May 16, 2013
Success: not to be taken seriously...pearls of wisdom #1
Ah yes the road of success is often long and difficult. I mean you really shouldn't take me seriously as I like many of you don't know the recipe for success. There is no quick way and no formula as success is very elusive. I can tell you what to do, but there are so many factors that you would need to think about. Success is elusive and wholeheartedly subjective. I was joking around with my siblings and came up with a few things you can do to be successful. First, let us examine the word of success.
Success as in sucking ass, as in sucker, as in suck up, as in you need to do a whole lot of sucking something to get where you are because success is obtained by starting out from the most lowest of positions. You need to do things you don't want to do and sometimes your principles will be challenged. You will find yourself asking questions like do I need to sell my soul? Do I need to lay down my principles? Why do I have to keep sucking up to people? Well, they are all things that you have to be willing to do on the long road of success. This is not the most important factor.
The most important thing is your drive or will. You must want it so bad that you have no way other then to succeed. Your love for what you do must overcome everything in your life. All of us come with a set of inhibitions, the one that truly breaks free are the ones that make it to the top. Not to sound like some weird motivational book, but I can't stress that in order for you to succeed you must be willing to live it and breathe it. So how do you find motivation? That is entirely up to you. No one can tell you that and no one can give you that. Let us move on to some more of the drawbacks because there are many and I can only hold enough attention for a few.
Some of us believe that we can change the world. While this is not a bad goal it is a lofty one. A very huge burden on someone who isn't stable. The challenge here is not to live in a world of fantasy and set ourselves to attain the unattainable. You can not change the world by outright changing it because why because people are wild cards. They neither follow rhyme nor reason to your goals or what you believe. They have their own free will as you do yours. The only way you can hope to put a dent into the world is to change you. That is right grasshopper you must be like bamboo and bend with the wind only yielding but never breaking. You have to work on self-mastery and that means to overcome your own limits and fears. Once you can change yourself then we can talk about changing the world. Some consolation is that by changing yourself you may have very well change the world. Adopt this principle and share it around who knows maybe this will be the secret to unlocking your doors.
Yeah I started this post thinking I was going to be my sarcastic self. Somewhat off putting some what nonsensical though I end on a higher note that somewhere out there some one will understand and take in what I have said. Knowledge is there for us to take in and see, it is all up to us how we use it. So ends pearl of wisdom #1 in a long series of ramblings about navigating the terrain of life well at least my life that is.
Success as in sucking ass, as in sucker, as in suck up, as in you need to do a whole lot of sucking something to get where you are because success is obtained by starting out from the most lowest of positions. You need to do things you don't want to do and sometimes your principles will be challenged. You will find yourself asking questions like do I need to sell my soul? Do I need to lay down my principles? Why do I have to keep sucking up to people? Well, they are all things that you have to be willing to do on the long road of success. This is not the most important factor.
The most important thing is your drive or will. You must want it so bad that you have no way other then to succeed. Your love for what you do must overcome everything in your life. All of us come with a set of inhibitions, the one that truly breaks free are the ones that make it to the top. Not to sound like some weird motivational book, but I can't stress that in order for you to succeed you must be willing to live it and breathe it. So how do you find motivation? That is entirely up to you. No one can tell you that and no one can give you that. Let us move on to some more of the drawbacks because there are many and I can only hold enough attention for a few.
Some of us believe that we can change the world. While this is not a bad goal it is a lofty one. A very huge burden on someone who isn't stable. The challenge here is not to live in a world of fantasy and set ourselves to attain the unattainable. You can not change the world by outright changing it because why because people are wild cards. They neither follow rhyme nor reason to your goals or what you believe. They have their own free will as you do yours. The only way you can hope to put a dent into the world is to change you. That is right grasshopper you must be like bamboo and bend with the wind only yielding but never breaking. You have to work on self-mastery and that means to overcome your own limits and fears. Once you can change yourself then we can talk about changing the world. Some consolation is that by changing yourself you may have very well change the world. Adopt this principle and share it around who knows maybe this will be the secret to unlocking your doors.
Yeah I started this post thinking I was going to be my sarcastic self. Somewhat off putting some what nonsensical though I end on a higher note that somewhere out there some one will understand and take in what I have said. Knowledge is there for us to take in and see, it is all up to us how we use it. So ends pearl of wisdom #1 in a long series of ramblings about navigating the terrain of life well at least my life that is.
piggy bank,
secret of attraction,
wealth much are you willing to pay for a piece of hope?
I think I can safely say that I am among the millions that buy lottery tickets specifically playing the powerball. As the economy slows down and people either lose their jobs or can't find jobs, the more people look to lottery tickets. Wouldn't it be great to say money didn't matter and we would just want to live simply? That is not the case. With each ticket that didn't strike it big, the hope remains that we would have an easier life if only the next would pan out. I can speak for myself that a couple of bucks here or there is worth it. The lottery is a fantasy just something else to keep our mind away from our struggles. It is a pretty fantasy eh?
Points to consider.
How one would manage the winnings?
What about family and friends? They could always change.
Money is a powerful thing and some are not ready to handle that conflict.
Many cannot even budget what they have now let alone millions.
Usually the first thing people do is pay for debts. The lottery is a means to be debt free. At least being able to live without worrying about money.
What about donations to charities?
What about the constant fear of someone not loving or caring about you because of your money?
Would you fear your own mortality with such a large sum attached to you?
Money is a scary powerful thing. Changing lives and destroying lives. This piece of hope can swing either way. Be careful which way the pendulum swings.
Oh the problems with dandruff.....
I don't even want to show pictures lol. My dandruff is not bad but it is getting there. I wanted to know what was causing my scalp to flake like mad. Was it my shampoo? Was it the weather? Was it stress? Bacteria overgrowth? Maybe none or all those things. I did a little digging to find some remedies and here is what I found to be helpful for me in controlling this problem.
-Don't wash your hair everyday
Why not? Your hair gets oilier because you keep washing your hair and so while your hair is feeling
oilier your scalp is getting pretty dry. Try to use some deep oil treatments with coconut oil,
macadamia oil, or castor oil. Some of these oils like coconut oil can maintain a healthy scalp by
keeping certain bacterial overgrowth.
-Use a clarifying shampoo
It pays to clarify your hair once in a while. All the hair products and conditioners sits on top of your
scalp. This build up can be removed with a clarifying shampoo or a toner. You can make one easily
with recipes online. Some involve vinegars, fruit juices, and essential oils. Test some out and find what
is best for your hair.
-Don't scratch at your scalp until it is raw
You have tons of bacteria on your hand and under your fingernails. Scratching and removing dandruff
can be grossly addicting but don't do it! You can scratch it raw and through these cuts it can cause
scalp inflammation.
-Use essential oil rinses
I basically add a couple drops of the essential oil of my choice into my bath water and either soak my
hair or rinse it with this water. I would shampoo like usual and rinse water with the added essential oils
which leaves some oils on my hair for a nice smell and this will sanitize any badies that the shampoo
didn't get. Some essential oils that I use is a mixture of peppermint, lavender, bergamot, and lemon oils.
Do this ever so often can keep dandruff at bay.
-Stop fretting with all the hair products and hair torture
Worrying about your hair can make it worse and smothering your scalp in more products will not only
be expensive but add to your scalp problems. You need to learn what really is wrong and not try
to mask the symptoms. Maybe it could be the lack of water, lack of nutrients, or simply a product
is not working well with your hair. It is up to you to find out the root cause of your dandruff. Put down
the hair spray and curling iron and enjoy your unchemicaled hair once in a while.
If all else fails go seek a professional. If you don't have the cash just try some natural remedies and it can save you a whole lot of trouble! The more natural you can keep your hair the better and this goes for the products you use on your hair. Generally, spending huge amounts of money on shampoos doesn't guarantee magnificient hair. My best advice for beautiful is to all three aspects of the self: the mind, body, and spirit.
-Don't wash your hair everyday
Why not? Your hair gets oilier because you keep washing your hair and so while your hair is feeling
oilier your scalp is getting pretty dry. Try to use some deep oil treatments with coconut oil,
macadamia oil, or castor oil. Some of these oils like coconut oil can maintain a healthy scalp by
keeping certain bacterial overgrowth.
-Use a clarifying shampoo
It pays to clarify your hair once in a while. All the hair products and conditioners sits on top of your
scalp. This build up can be removed with a clarifying shampoo or a toner. You can make one easily
with recipes online. Some involve vinegars, fruit juices, and essential oils. Test some out and find what
is best for your hair.
-Don't scratch at your scalp until it is raw
You have tons of bacteria on your hand and under your fingernails. Scratching and removing dandruff
can be grossly addicting but don't do it! You can scratch it raw and through these cuts it can cause
scalp inflammation.
-Use essential oil rinses
I basically add a couple drops of the essential oil of my choice into my bath water and either soak my
hair or rinse it with this water. I would shampoo like usual and rinse water with the added essential oils
which leaves some oils on my hair for a nice smell and this will sanitize any badies that the shampoo
didn't get. Some essential oils that I use is a mixture of peppermint, lavender, bergamot, and lemon oils.
Do this ever so often can keep dandruff at bay.
-Stop fretting with all the hair products and hair torture
Worrying about your hair can make it worse and smothering your scalp in more products will not only
be expensive but add to your scalp problems. You need to learn what really is wrong and not try
to mask the symptoms. Maybe it could be the lack of water, lack of nutrients, or simply a product
is not working well with your hair. It is up to you to find out the root cause of your dandruff. Put down
the hair spray and curling iron and enjoy your unchemicaled hair once in a while.
If all else fails go seek a professional. If you don't have the cash just try some natural remedies and it can save you a whole lot of trouble! The more natural you can keep your hair the better and this goes for the products you use on your hair. Generally, spending huge amounts of money on shampoos doesn't guarantee magnificient hair. My best advice for beautiful is to all three aspects of the self: the mind, body, and spirit.
curling iron,
essential oils,
hair products,
problems with hair,
Depression, relationship problems, etc...
Needing help finding direction?
Want a compassionate ear to listen?
All alone and needling a friend?
Well, you made it here so sit a while and talk with someone here! Probably mostly me, but I'm here to listen drop me an email or a comment and I'll try to get back. I work a lot on blahtherapy and offering my time to those in need.
Want a compassionate ear to listen?
All alone and needling a friend?
Well, you made it here so sit a while and talk with someone here! Probably mostly me, but I'm here to listen drop me an email or a comment and I'll try to get back. I work a lot on blahtherapy and offering my time to those in need.
break ups,
low self esteem,
no direction,
Helpful things to get through divorce
1. Keeping your body healthy
No sense in snogging down all those sweets or drowning your feelings with alcohol. Also, if you have habits like smoking or drugs stop. Why? It stresses you body out more and you'll get sick. Imagine the worst day of your life then being sick on top of that. It makes for one miserable being who will pass that misery onto some poor unsuspecting person. So eat healthy foods that support digestion because chances are stress will screw your eating and sleeping pattern. For foods look to nutrient dense foods that ground and center you. Not junk food! No amount of chips or chocolate is going to cure a stressful life event! As for sleep, relaxation music, a good soak, sniffing some therapeutic oils, soaking your feet, looking or being around beautiful things, and teas that calms the nerves (chamomile and linden blossom are my favorite).
2. Find someone who cares to rant about it
Bottling up emotions is never a good idea especially true for divorce. You are sad or pissed acknowledge it so that it doesn't later come out in court should you go to court. If you don't have a trusted friend or another family member pick up some expressive hobbies. You can write, blog, throw darts at said exes face, etc...something that expresses overwhelming feelings without resorting to breaking the law or harming of the self or others. No one needs jail time on top of divorce. If you have the funds seek professionals that can help you with the healing process. Just get the feelings out of your system.
3. Get on with it
Meaning don't dwell on it by doing nothing. The feelings worsen if you don't continue with your routine in life. Divorce can be an upsetting time, but we all have other obligations. No use in crying over spilled milk. Divorce happens. Staying in our room moping and feeling sorry is never going to resolve the pending bills and fees involved. So have a good cry or a scream, but don't drag it out. You will survive trust me. A routine or continuing a routine can add some stability to a hectic life.
4. Don't forget the kids
Children are perceptive little things so do be careful about emotional outbursts or ugly rantings about said ex-spouse. Remember that your ex-spouse is still a parent to your child and dragging them in the middle is never wise. Children learn to cope with life through us and if you feel you can't really help them then don't be afraid to ask for help. Answer any questions they have about why this is happening and be mindful of their age. As I've said before, I'm an adult going through my parents divorce so I have the compass to deal with it though children are a little bit more helpless. Don't be too alarm when your kid starts acting out in school or misbehaving in general after a divorce. You can get together with them and do various activities to help them along and it will help you to.
5. Do what you gotta do to get the divorce in order
Don't neglect court dates or the necessary paperwork. Avoid getting a lawyer when you can but in the case of an ugly divorce I don't know what I can really say. This doesn't need to get bigger if you don't want it to. Oh, it can get pretty messy because lawyers like to sometimes stir the pot with things like who is in the wrong which if you take the bait just gives them more opportunities to keep charging.
6. Oh the custody battles...
One of the hardest things to troubleshoot. Divorce is one of the most selfish things that parents can do (sometimes though it is only for the best). Why is it selfish? It is basically ripping lives apart especially your children's. If they are too young to understand that is better but if they are oh boy. Custody battles should be for the children's own good. Keep in mind that it shouldn't be a power struggle or about how you two can't get along. It should be about what is best for them from housing to school. The children should be made to feel that they are still protected and not abandoned by either parents.
7. Don't rush into new relationships!
Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Understand that divorce takes time to heal. You need to become stable within yourself before entering a new relationship because chances are if you are not ready you will just create havoc for yourself or your children. No one can save us from our own inner demons and it does a world of good to reflect on ourselves. An idea would be to throw a celebration about being single again. When we celebrate it we make something negative into positive. Order a cake congratulating yourself on your new found freedom.
Final words on this: The world keeps spinning and things will go on. If you place yourself in the grand scheme of things you will know that this moment that seems so horrendous will be only a tiny speck. When you see that this isn't so big you will likely make it through and come out all the better. Just think that you can survive and you will. This moment shall pass and your future is for you to decide. Divorce is a new beginning; a new way of being!
F*** my life! Divorce....enough said!
As a young adult going through my parents divorce. I can assure you the blow of divorce no matter the age on kids is still huge. Our lives got turned upside down in 48 hours. My life flashed before my eyes and my views of my parents changed instantly. You know that crystallizing moment when you see that the superhero your parents appeared are only child-like fabrications. My parents did well to conceal their marital problems, but really....I knew it was going to fall apart someday. People have some many reason why they can't work it out. Insecurities, paranoia, money, etc...that keeps them in a loop. Some feel an obligation or out of fear they stay in relationships that obviously are not working out. When thinking about how one works through a divorce as an adult kid...let me tell you. You are aware of things that little kids might pass by. As an adult you follow logic or try to use reasoning to find out why someone would do something. You encounter things like taking into consideration what someone may be feeling or thinking whereas a kid can act out without thinking things through they simply just feel. As an adult there are so many unsaid feelings and even during a divorce both parties filter themselves. For me, I had so many things I did want to say but for some reason or another I couldn't fully express them. I felt like if I acted hurt or angry that it would be immature. I guess it would be immature though it sure would beat this constant headache I'm feeling from keeping things inside. Listen people, if you can't work through your own self issues don't get into relationships. You'll only end up screwing your kid over whether they are five or twenty-five when you break up. Break ups usually are never friendly for anyone.
custody battles,
dealing with divorce,
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