Sunday, May 19, 2013

Troubleshooting relationships

You found yourself here. Having relationship problems? Want some helpful insight? Here is a list for you. Something to think about and this is by no means set in stone. After all it is YOUR relationship!

1. Know why you are getting into a relationship? If none of the reasons are because you love the person then get out. Nothing worse then not knowing what you want and no one likes to be dragged around.

2. Work on yourself! Yes, this is for those who go into relationship after relationship. They can't fix you so stop looking for a daddy or mommy or Jesus Christ in them. They ain't your savior! 

3. Let them go! For those who care too much. You can not change someone or bring light to their darkness. If they have issues it is nothing personal. You just need to leave when you can.

4. Say no to the toxic relationship. Don't do it. These kinds of relationship are the most easily recognized yet people still stay. Toxic relationship signs: one-sidedness, abuse, control issues, master/servant dynamic, etc...look it up you would be surprise how many of us have one.

5. Trust. Goes a long way. Quit sabotaging your relationships with trust issues. If you feel like this person could walk out on you at any moment save yourself the torture. Spend some time establishing trust with yourself before trying to get with some one.

6. High expectations. Nothing kills a relationship like the overcritical partner. No one likes living under a magnifying glass. They should feel loved by you not crucified.

7. Communication. I hear it all the time. Well I assume he or she is thinking this. It is an assumption not factual. Open your mouth and use your voice. If you have ill feelings about something talk about it with them rather than escaping through someone else aka: cheating. They love you they will listen.

8. Smothering. Come on loosen up! If you love them learn to give them some space. You don't need to be up their rear ends with texting, phoning, emailing, etc...Stop obsessing!

9. Laid your cards out. Let them know what it is you accept in a relationship and what you don't. If you don't know this maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship. Also, nothing worse is someone who can't make up their mind about their principles.

10. Commitment. Say it with me commitment. Not an easy thing. If you can't devote yourself to one person don't try it you will fail. Commitments are called so because you have to take it seriously. Break ups are not comedic. They suck so you should be aware before partnering up.

11. Let's be mature about it. If you can't get along stop dragging it out and end things. None of this back and forth game. You either are with them or not. If you feel it isn't worth saving then why are you still with them?

More advice to come. Relationships are what you make them. It is up to you to work it out because you need to trust that you know what is best for you!


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