Thursday, May 16, 2013

F*** my life! Divorce....enough said!

As a young adult going through my parents divorce. I can assure you the blow of divorce no matter the age on kids is still huge. Our lives got turned upside down in 48 hours. My life flashed before my eyes and my views of my parents changed instantly. You know that crystallizing moment when you see that the superhero your parents appeared are only child-like fabrications. My parents did well to conceal their marital problems, but really....I knew it was going to fall apart someday. People have some many reason why they can't work it out. Insecurities, paranoia, money, etc...that keeps them in a loop. Some feel an obligation or out of fear they stay in relationships that obviously are not working out. When thinking about how one works through a divorce as an adult kid...let me tell you. You are aware of things that little kids might pass by. As an adult you follow logic or try to use reasoning to find out why someone would do something. You encounter things like taking into consideration what someone may be feeling or thinking whereas a kid can act out without thinking things through they simply just feel. As an adult there are so many unsaid feelings and even during a divorce both parties filter themselves. For me, I had so many things I did want to say but for some reason or another I couldn't fully express them. I felt like if I acted hurt or angry that it would be immature. I guess it would be immature though it sure would beat this constant headache I'm feeling from keeping things inside. Listen people, if you can't work through your own self issues don't get into relationships. You'll only end up screwing your kid over whether they are five or twenty-five when you break up. Break ups usually are never friendly for anyone.

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